RUNES WORDS - 10/01/2025

We have implemented runic words! We will be able to create powerful Runes by formulating words to acquire magnificent Powers for our characters!  Visit Steam for more information.

New combat mode and Infernal Items - 28/11/2024

Here we explain a little about the process

of this new melee combat mode and we talk

about the creation of the Infernal items and their Functional History.

NEW HITBOX - 27/11/2024

We are pleased to report that we have added a significant improvement to melee combat with weapons.

Previously, to attack in melee we had to face the enemies and attack a very simple mechanism, we have gone further in this sense and now the hitbox is non-existent making melee combat much more interesting providing better dynamics, now we can move while attacking the objectives, if we maintain their target the hits will be more effective and the hits themselves will seek the enemies in melee adding more excitement to contact battles, another addition is that we added a bleeding animation for each successful hit!

CARDS SYSTEM - 21/11/2024

We are including a new system where

we will have new rare unique enemies of each type of enemy in their respective zones, these rare enemies will have a 15% chance to drop their card, this card can be equipped and will give us benefits but if you want to get the epic card of the Boss of that area of ​​the World Region you must collect all and exchange them with a new NPC for the epic card of the Boss.

This epic card will get all the benefits of the previous cards of the rare enemies of the area.

These cards can be traded between players.

WELCOME - 17/11/2024   

Nothorian had its Alpha 1 year ago, and is now in a Beta state, in its version 1.0.0, in this version the game will be officially released when it comes out in 2025.

Visit this Updates section every time an update is going to be made, as we will publish it in advance to see what new things are going to be included, improved or fixed.

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